I killed them because of love, 'woman who killed her two children confesses.

I killed them because of love, 'woman who killed her two children confesses.

 A jury has been informed that a mother has been charged with killing her two children, ages seven and eleven, with a knife because she did not want her husband to have them.

 Veronique John, the mother, is accused of stabbing her son Ethan John more than 20 times, brain-damaging her daughter Elizabeth John, and stabbing her partner Nathan John in the stomach while wearing a dressing robe at a car wash. 

After that, Veronique John went back home, dialed 999, and said to the operator, "I am calling to report I just killed my two kids," according to testimony given during a trial-of-facts hearing at Nottingham Crown Court.

I took action to safeguard my kids because I love them. "I would like to be put to death if that is a possibility." I really do mean it.

 Prosecutor Peter Grieves-Smith stated that John's "rage was boiling just under the surface" during the Crown's opening of the case against her. John was born on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent. 

A day earlier, she had been arrested for hitting her husband with a piece of wood. On Monday, Mr. Grieves-Smith addressed the jury and stated that John killed her children a few hours after conducting a "chilling" internet search in which he asked, "Can a foreigner be charged with murder in the UK?

source: LB

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