But why are BBN girls scared of aging??? Una be vampire?, reaction as tolanibaj declears being 24 years by decenber.

But why are BBN girls scared of aging??? Una be vampire, reaction as tolanibaj declear being 24 years by decenber.

 Social media users were taken aback when reality TV star Tolanibaj revealed that she will turn 24 in December. Read full article

Why she decided against participating in BBL-Tolanibaj She and Moet Abebe co-host the podcast "Bants and Boujee," where she revealed this information during a discussion. 

When Abebe inquired about ages, the conversation unexpectedly veered away from the topic of Nigerian musician Ayra Starr's most recent songs.

Everyone was surprised to learn that Tolanibaj celebrated her 21st birthday in 2021. She also mentioned that it would be her birthday in December and that she was throwing a beach party. 

Online users have been discussing this unexpected admission extensively, with many expressing astonishment as well as interest over Tolanibaj's age.

See reaction Bellow;

itslisadave said: “Buy why are BBN girls scared of aging??? Una be vampire???”

thefoodnetworknig2 said: “You know we are in the era of Vv identifying with whatever we like. She identifies as a GenZ inside a Bloomer’s body”

mheenarh_ said: “Tolani if you are then I am Beyonce.

thestudentconnectv said: “Wasn’t she the one that lo.st her virgi**nity”

chyddo said: “Aging used to be a blessing, now its as if its a curse with the way some of you want to turn to babies again.

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