Date and Day the World Will End, According to Scientist. Details below...

What experts predict will happen when the world ends According to a recent study by the University of Bristol, a mass extinction event is expected to occur in around 250 million years, painting a dire picture of Earth's future. 

But modern human activity would not be the cause of this die-off. COMMERCIAL Intentionally, the study ignored the extra heat produced by human activity, such as burning fossil fuels. 

This implies that the real extinction event might happen far faster than 250 million years from now. 

As temperatures rise, some scientists predict that by 2200, or 182 years from now, the world will be completely barren. 

A white paper written for the National Academy of Sciences made this claim.

They think we should start making preparations for extraterrestrial life.

Asteroid strikes, pandemics, global warming, nuclear winter, and artificial intelligence are all potential endgames for humanity. 

Notwithstanding the distance between this extinction event and others, the study highlights the precarious balance of Earth's climate. 

Over time, natural processes are a concern even in the absence of emissions from fossil fuels. People must exercise greater caution, though, to prevent it from happening sooner

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