[Video] "Avoid Abuja Men If You no Get Mind" Nigerian Woman Talks About Her Hookup Experience with Man.

In Abuja, a Nigerian woman talked about her relationship with a man who wanted to have an@l with continue Reading..

The TikTok user said that incident happened after a friend invited her to an event in Abuja where "big men" would be present, and she confirmed that it was a "true life" encounter.

The woman said that after spending the night with whichever man she was given, she planned to depart the event with a sizable quantity of money. When she was handed over to one of the guys after completing the "selection" procedure, the woman revealed that she had participated in the act and was excited about the money she expected to earn.

But the man told her he was going to take her from behind and eventually to a place she didn't feel comfortable. 

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