Oronsaye Report: Complete List of Agencies to be Merged, Closed, or Transferred.


On Monday, the Executive Council of the Federation, also known as the Federal Executive Council (FEC), approved the implementation of the Steve Oronsaye panel's recommendations regarding the restructuring and rationalization of Federal agencies, parastatals, and commissions. Read more 

The government stated that this policy entails merging, subsuming, and scrapping agencies with similar functions.

 Bayo Onanuga, the special adviser on information and strategy to President Bola Tinubu, highlighted that this measure aims to boost efficiency in the federal service and reduce the cost of governance.

In 2012, the Oronsaye report was submitted to the Goodluck Jonathan administration," stated Mr. Onanuga in a release. "Subsequently, in 2014, the Jonathan government issued a white paper on the report. 

After re-evaluating the white paper, the Buhari administration released a second white paper in August 2022, yet the report remained unimplemented.

Nonetheless, the Tinubu administration has opted to address the challenge of high governance expenses by enacting certain aspects of the report.

"An eight-member committee has been tasked with a 12-week timeframe to ensure efficient implementation of the reforms through necessary legislative amendments and administrative restructuring.

The committee includes the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Head of the Civil Service, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Minister of Budget and Planning, Director-General of the Bureau of Public Service Reform, Special Adviser to the President on Policy Coordination, and Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Affairs. The Cabinet Affairs Office will function as the secretariat."

Later, Abdulaziz Abdulaziz, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Print Media, shared a comprehensive list of the agencies set to be impacted.  

See the list below.

List of Agencies, Commissions, and Parastatals Affected by the Federal Executive Council Meeting Approval on Restructuring and Rationalization


* Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate to be scrapped and functions

transferred to the Federal Ministry of Finance

* National Senior Secondary Education Commission (NSSEC) to be scrapped and

functions transferred to the department of Basic and Secondary Education in

Federal Ministry of Education.


1. National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA) to be merged under the Centre

for Disease Control in Federal Ministry of Health.

2. National Emergency Agency (NEMA) to be merged with National Commission

Refugee, Migration and Internally Displaced persons [NCFRMI].

3. Directorate of Technical Cooperation in Africa (DTCA) to be merged with

Directorate of Technical Aid (DTAC) and to function as a department in the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. Infrastructure Concession and Regulatory Commission (ICRC) to be merged with Bureau for Public Enterprise (BPE).

5. Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) to be merged with Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC).

6. National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI) to be

merged with National Centre for Agriculture Mechanization (NCAM) and

Project Development Institute (PRODA)

7. National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) to be merged with

National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB).

8. National Institute for Leather Science Technology (NILEST) to be merged with

National Institute for Chemical Technology (NARICT).

9. The Nomadic Education Commission (NEC) to be merged with National

Commission for Mass Literacy, Adult Education and Non Formal Education.

10. Federal Radio Corporation (FRCN) to be merged with Voice of Nigeria (VON)

11. The National Commission for Museums and Monuments to be merged with National gallery of Arts.

12. The National Theatre to be merged with National Troupe of Nigeria.

13. The National Metallurgical Development Centre (NMDC) to be merged with National Metallurgical Training Institute (NMTI).

14.Nigerian Army University (NAUB)should be merged Nigerian Defence Academy


15.Airforce Institute of Technology (AFIT) should be merged Nigerian Defence

Academy (NDA)


1. Service Compact with all Nigerians (SERVICOM) to be subsumed to function as

a department under Bureau for Public Service Reforms (BPSR).

2. Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA) to be subsumed to function

as a department under the National Boundary Commission (NBC).

3. National Salaries, Income and Wages Commissioned (NSIWC) to be subsumed

into Revenue Mobilization & Fiscal Allocation Commission (RMAFC).

4. Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution to be subsumed under Nigerian

Institute of International Affairs (NIIA)

5. Public Complains Commission (PCC) to be subsumed under National Human

Rights Commission (NHRC).

6. Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis (NITR) to be subsumed into Institute of

Veterinary Research (VOM).

7. Nigerian Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA) to be subsumed

under the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Development


8. National Intelligence Agency Pension Commission to be subsumed under the

administration of Nigerian Pension Commission (PenCom).

9. The Nigerian Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) to be subsumed as a

department in the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy.


1. Niger Delta Powerholding Company (NDHC) to be relocated to Ministry of


2. National Agricultural Land Development Agency [NALDA] to be relocated to the

Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

3. National Blood Service Commission to be converted into an Agency and

relocated to the Federal Ministry of Health

4. Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) to be converted into an Agency

and transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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