"Sheila Courage is Not a Virgin". You've been lusting for fame, and you used your virginity to deceive my man.",Israel's best friend Speaks Out

The latest twist in the long-running conflict between Israel DMW and his wife Sheila Courage features a voice from Davido's close aide and close continue Reading.. 

He posted a video on Instagram criticizing Israel's ex-wife Sheila in public. He called her a yahoo wife, saying she wasn't worthy of being called an ex-wife. He claimed that she had only ever been concerned with becoming famous and had never truly cared about her marriage to Israel, which is why he had turned to an influencer when she left him.

He further disclosed that she had tricked Israel by pretending to be chaste and virgin. He continued to curse her, saying that because of the suffering she had brought upon Israel, she would never be able to look on the bright side of life.

Now keep in mind that Israel publicly discussed his marriage to Sheila and the circumstances behind her departure on Instagram yesterday. He disclosed that she expressed dissatisfaction at his constant availability for singer Davido, and she gave him advise on how to launch his own company.

She'd also informed him that she thought it was awkward that he was constantly pursuing Davido. It is also revealed to Israel that she had tricked him into believing she was a wonderful person by using her virginity. In addition, he had called out her friend Ginika for being a whore and urged her to break up with him.

Sheila had also come forward to defend herself, saying that he had abused her emotionally and, at one time, even violently. She had previously disclosed that the major reason she was worried about him trailing Davido around was that she wanted him to create a safe and secure future for her and her children. She also disclosed that he had charged her with ingesting the tablets.


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