Do not worship men, do not worship your husband: Woman criticizes feminists saying, "These women just teach others how to hate men, me I will love and worship my husband."

The woman said that although she is an independent woman, she would never support feminism since it denigrates men. Continue Reading..

In a video, a woman criticized modern feminists, saying they only teach women to dislike men and end their marriages.

The woman, upset by feminists' actions, called them out on deceiving other women in a video that she made.

She claims that the modern feminist is limited to detesting men and abdicating her responsibility to take care of herself.

The woman said that although she is an independent woman, she would never identify as a feminist because of what the movement preaches hatred against men.

Woman criticizes feminists

She asserted that she would treat her husband with respect, wash his clothes, and kneel to serve him meals while he took responsibility for providing for her.

Additionally, she warned feminists against pressuring women to leave cheating husbands because they just end up regretting their divorce and finding life after marriage to be challenging.

In her own words:

What I understand about this generation feminists is, hate men, don’t do what you’re supposed to do as woman for a man.”

“Do not worship men, do not worship your husband. If your husband do small mistake like this, divorce him, don’t stay in your husband’s house. Be a stupid woman, work hard because you don’t want any man to control you.”

Watch video here:


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