Fear the Walking Dead" Actor Sam Underwood Arrested for Assaulting a Woman in Los Angeles - Legal Proceedings Underway


Fear the Walking Dead" Actor Sam Underwood Arrested for Assaulting a Woman in Los Angeles - Legal Proceedings Underway

Actor Sam Underwood, renowned for his role in "Fear the Walking Dead," found himself in police custody after being arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department on charges of assaulting a woman.Read full article 

The incident unfolded when law enforcement responded to a 911 call reporting a disturbance at a Los Angeles apartment around 2:30 AM on October 7. Upon arrival, officers were informed of a heated argument that had escalated into a physical altercation between Sam and the woman.

The woman bore visible marks on her body, leading to Sam's arrest on charges of felony domestic battery. After spending nearly 10 hours in custody, the actor was booked and subsequently released.

The nature of Sam's relationship with the alleged victim remains unclear. His case will be forwarded to the L.A. County District Attorney's Office for potential criminal charges.

Despite the presence of marks on the woman's body, medical attention was not required, as confirmed by law enforcement.

Reports suggest that Sam has provided his attorney with photographs, video recordings, and audio recordings, all of which refute the accusations against him. His legal counsel intends to present this evidence to the police early this week.

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