Muheeba Dankaka, chair person, federal charater Commission, alleges jobs sales before house representatives Investigative Committee


After being threatened with consequences, Muheeba Dankaka, the chairperson of the Federal Character Commission, eventually appeared before the House of Representatives Investigative Committee.

On Wednesday, she testified before the committee, alleging that public servants are known for selling job openings.

"They were selling slots here before I arrived. You can ask Abuja residents to confirm my claims if I'm lying; the location was similar to a market.

"I met all the commissioners when I first arrived, and I told them that they had given us the Qur'an to swear by. She said, "I don't want anything that would ruin me or my family.

According to Bendelnews, Mrs. Dankaka was supposed to testify before the committee on Tuesday, but she reportedly cancelled due to a medical appointment.

Some FCC commissioners disputed her claims, claiming that she lied about her health in order to avoid testifying before the committee.

The Head of Service and the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission were subsequently called in by the committee's chairman, Yusuf Gagdi.

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