Vladimir Popov's Dad Speaks About How His Son Was attacked By A Shark In His Presenc

After the tragedy, a father who witnessed his kid being k*lled" by a "meat-grinder shark" in less than 20 seconds has spoken out. When a 10 foot tiger shark attacked and killed Vladimir Popov in the Red Sea, Egypt, he was only 23 years old.

Yury, Vladimir's father, said to the neighbourhood media: "We went to the beach to unwind. The shark attacked my son. Everything happened in a matter of seconds.

Although the local media reported that she was currently in Russia, the initial reports of the incident stated that Vladimir was with his girlfriend at the time.

The purpose for the pair's stay in Hurghada, Egypt, is unknown, but it was thought that they were there. They allegedly entered the nation to avoid being drafted to fight in Ukraine, according to one idea.

Vladimir was reportedly heard yelling "Papa, papa" as the shark pursued and then mauled him.

Witnesses further stated that the shark messed with Vladimir's body for a torturous two hours following the attack.

The shark appeared and bit the man right away, according to one eyewitness. His attempts to escape the shark by swimming failed. The body was dragged for two hours. He was continuously being pulled under the sea by it.

After the attack, the community exacted revenge on the animal by beating it and hauling it out of the water and onto the shore.

A man can be seen in a video from the scene hitting it over the head with what appears to be a stick or metal rod.

The shark that killed Vladimir was reportedly apprehended, according to Egyptian authorities.

To determine if the shark has been involved in any further attacks in the area, investigators are currently searching.

After warning Russian visitors to be cautious at the well-known resort and adhere to hotel staff advice, the most recent deadly shark attack in the area occurred.

The tragedy happened just over a year after another traveller in Egypt's Sahl Hasheesh was killed by a shark.

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