Following the referendum results, Russia is planning to annex four regions of Ukraine.

Following the referendum results, Russia is planning to annex four regions of Ukraine.

 Following the release of the contentious referendum results, Russia is getting ready to seize four areas of Ukraine.

Countries have strongly condemned the poll to decide whether the regions wish to join Russia.

Officials in Zaporizhzhia said that 93.11 percent of voters there supported joining Russia.

Over 87.05 percent of voters in Kherson, according to the authorities, expressed their support by casting ballots.

More than 98.42 percent of the votes in Lugansk, according to the officials, were cast in favor of incorporation.

The authorities in Donetsk said that with 99.23% of the vote in favor of annexation, the victory was almost complete.

Vladimir Putin, the president, signaled that the Kremlin was ready to take complete control of the regions.

"The attention of our entire society and of the entire country is focused on saving people in the territories where this referendum is taking place," he stated.

Following Ukraine's request for his assistance, Putin will discuss the development with Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

Erdogan revealed that President Volodymyr Zelensky asked Turkey to "convince Putin" to support the devastated regions.

He wished that the issue might be resolved diplomatically rather than through referendums.

The two countries at war since the invasion in late February enjoy good relations with Turkey, a member of the NATO defense alliance.

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