Over 200 Marines were discharged after refusing to be vaccinated.


Marines in the United States are being discharged for refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. According to a news article published on Thursday, nearly 206 Marines have been taken off duty since the end of November.

Llyod Austin, the Defense Secretary, issued a directive to all branches of the military on August 25th, requiring all officials and service members to be vaccinated without fail by December 15, 2021. It was announced during the summer, when coronavirus cases were on the rise. Those who chose not to follow orders were expelled from the service shortly after the deadline passed.

Marines are dissatisfied, claiming they are witnessing a "political purge."

A few unvaccinated Marines spoke to a news outlet and expressed their dissatisfaction with the administration in an anonymous manner. They believe Joe Biden's administration is forcibly dismissing the "greatest" and "brightest" military guys due to their personal convictions.

The country's leadership, according to a Major who has served the country for more than seventeen years, is inherently defective. He believes they are being subjected to a "unconstitutional decree" that is being used to dismiss senior Marines, soldiers, airmen, sailors, and Space Force guardians.

The Marines said that the government had dismissed their applications without giving them a second thought. They claimed they had been denied religious immunity on a "blanket" basis. The news agency was shown a total of eight distinct discharge letters, all of which were nearly indistinguishable. Military readiness was cited as the primary reason for exclusion by all eight.

Darell Issa, a Republican from California, led a group of Republicans who issued a letter to President Obama earlier this month, claiming that his tight execution of the military vaccine order was a grave error.

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