Church weddings" are unscriptural, according to Daddy Freeze


Church weddings" are unscriptural, according to Daddy Freeze

Church weddings" are unscriptural, according to Daddy Freeze, the organizer and broadcaster of Free the Sheeple. Aisha Yesufu had written about a couple that got married in church but didn't attend their wedding reception, and he commented on that.

Facebook user Daddy Freeze warned Christians not to abandon scriptural customs in favor of man-made, non-scriptural traditions and philosophies.

Christ accomplished his first miracle of transforming water into wine at a wedding feast, according to the scriptures (John2:1-10).

he argued that the wedding reception is scriptural, although the church wedding is not, in accordance with the foregoing.

Jesus claimed there is no such thing as a 'Church' wedding after citing the story of Laban in Genesis 29:22 and the wedding feast in Cana in John 2, where he was a guest at the wedding of Laban and Jael. He made the point that the idea of a church wedding is a man-created one. According to the Bible, the church was never granted the right to perform a marriage ceremony.

According to Daddy Freeze, Jesus Christ did not pray or officiate at the wedding in Cana, as previously thought. According to the Bible, a wedding was a family affair, he said.

As Daddy Freeze put it, cultural demands for costly wedding receptions might put a strain on many people, but they should not be used as an excuse to disregard God's word.

He argued that a church wedding is unscriptural and unchristian, and should thus be abolished. Couples should pray and ask God to join them in their homes instead of having a church wedding, he suggested, and then have the reception they can afford.

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