Tiwa Savage droped a bombshell about the recently leaked sex video

Tiwa Savage droped a bombshell about the recently leaked sex video

 photo credit-TopNaija

Tiwa Savage, an award-winning singer, has responded to her leaked brief sex tape, which she said was being used to blackmail her.the singer came to her Instagram stories to respond to the video hours after it was posted on Monday night, October 18, 2021. 

"You despised how I was able to direct the narrative and get ahead of the tale before it destroyed me, and how I was able to make jokes on stage about something you believed should kill me and make me embarrassed," she added.

Nevertheless, the Universal Music Group recording artist admitted to having a sex tape with her partner released and stated that she will not be intimidated by blackmail. "If you see me, you must knock on my skull." Since then, the video has sparked a new social media craze.

Tiwa had previously stated in an interview with a US-based radio station that the video was accidentally shared on Snapchat but was afterwards removed.

“Though, the individual did it on Snapchat, and he accidentally shared the film and erased it, but someone recorded it."

She went on to confirm the sex tape, claiming that she is aware of the ramifications, saying, "It's a small film, but it's me, and it'll be out there forever." There will very certainly be jokes."

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