Hanifa’s Death: Aisha Buhari backs call for Public execution Of Hanifa's Killer

Aisha Buhari, the President's wife, has backed calls for Abdulmalik Tanko, the owner of Noble Kids Academy in Kano, to be murdered for killing his 5-year-old child, Hanifa Abubakar.

Tanko stole a deceased student from his school in December 2021, but only recently confessed to the crime after being captured.

Nigerians reacted angrily to the news, demanding that the offender be slain in the same manner that the youngster was murdered.

Malam Abdallah Gadon Kaya, a Kano-based preacher, asked that Tanko be executed the same way he killed Hanifa in a video that is currently circulating on social media.

The preacher stated that the proprietor should be publicly executed, and that this may be accomplished by President Muhammadu Buhari and Governor Abdullahi Ganduje.

"His (Tanko's) life is not more important than this girl's life; the way he took her life, his life should be taken as well, and it should be done openly so that this does not happen again," he says in the video.

On Monday, the First Lady, who reposted the cleric's video on Instagram, expressed her sympathy for the calls for the killers' execution.
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